Karin Kerfoot (RYT500) is a highly knowledgeable and experienced yoga teacher who brings both her yoga and medical training to the mat.

Karin has trained with some of the best local (Eastabrook Yoga and Mothership Yoga) yoga teachers out there, as well as the internationally renowned Bernie Clark and Jason Crandell. Karin is skilled in teaching Vinyasa, Hatha, and Yin yoga, as well as leading meditation and breathwork. Her teaching style intentionally engages both the body and the mind, and blends mobility, flexibility, strength, and flow, producing yoga practices that are simultaneously challenging and ease-full.

Karin’s personal yoga journey began as a way to aid in her recovery from severe trauma and life-changing upheaval. Since then, she has turned to yoga to help her navigate a serious foot/ankle injury and to recover from frozen shoulder. Her professional background as an M.D., her dedication to being a yoga student, and her sincere love of the practice have combined to make her a very insightful, educated, and empathetic teacher.

Karin specializes in meeting her students where they’re at and helping them get to where they want to be. Her greatest passion in yoga is the thoughtful development of personalized classes to meet the unique needs of her clients and the design of comprehensive curricula for both yoga practitioners and instructors.

Client Testimonials:

“Karin has been a great help to me personally. I’ve been dealing with a physical issue for a while now and have been seeing a health professional to address it. During my private sessions with Karin, she developed a routine for me to use at home that has not only helped my injury progressively improve but has also helped me stay ready for my other daily activities.

Karin’s sessions are a good mix of stretching, strengthening and relaxation. She has a good understanding of human anatomy and provides a physiological explanation for what the exercises are doing for your body. Karin is always pleasant. It’s obvious that she loves her work as a yoga instructor and is genuinely interested in the improvement of all her students.

~ Ed

“Adding Karin Kerfoot’s yoga classes into my weekly exercise schedule has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for my health. After each class, I feel more relaxed and flexible. Her studio is very welcoming with tranquil music, candles, fireplace, aquarium and a beautiful back garden.

Karin’s instruction is knowledgeable, purposeful and peaceful. She continuously builds on strengthening her students’ mind and body and for that, I am truly grateful. Thank you Karin for introducing yoga into my life.”

~ B. Theocharis

Karin is the perfect yoga instructor. We have had the opportunity to work with her for almost 2 years and have enjoyed the experience immensely. Karin’s soothing voice, clear instructions and flexibility are always well appreciated.

What stands out in Karin is her kindness, compassion for yoga and her nurturing spirit. Karin tailors her yoga sessions to our individual needs so we definitely recommend her private lessons offered in her home studio.

~ Vasiliki Papukna and Claude Kortas

I absolutely love Karin’s home-based yoga studio, The Gate Studio! It's intimate, personal, and tranquil. Karin is friendly, warm, knowledgeable, and accommodating to your needs and she makes every session special. Thank you for being a part of my healing journey; your space and practice are very special.

~ Andrea

When I first began to practice yoga about 10 years ago, one session of yoga most weeks improved my flexibility, strength and balance; I also came to appreciate and enjoy yoga’s focus on breathing and relaxation. Karin began leading my wife and me in weekly, hour-long sessions in our home more than a year ago. Now that I’m in my 70s, my yoga practice with Karin is more important than ever for healthy living.

Karin clearly describes each pose as she performs it with us. She observes us closely and individually in the course of each pose. She is not critical of our efforts, nor expects that every pose be textbook perfect. She leads by example; we learn intuitively for the most part. Karin always suggests different options for making some poses more accessible. I greatly appreciate her guidance; she has led me progressively and thoughtfully.

Karin is always prompt. If a schedule change is needed, she readily accommodates us. She has time for us after class if we have questions or suggestions that didn’t come to mind during practice. Karin continues to find opportunities to learn new approaches to yoga instruction. In turn, I hope to benefit from her knowledge for years to come!

~ Jim Armstrong

“Over the past fifteen years, my husband and I have enjoyed taking yoga classes with several different instructors. Karin is the best!  Her open, receptive approach coupled with her deep knowledge of various yoga practices have combined to provide an experience that we look forward to.

Karin has a positive, engaging manner as she clearly demonstrates each pose. Each class begins with an explanation of the goals which she has tailored to our needs and abilities. Yoga with Karin has improved my balance, strength and flexibility.

I cannot recommend Karin Kerfoot more highly!”

~ Janet Clark